Type 2 RCF Funded Projects
These are projects to write and develop a NIHR grant application.
This can include pump priming work required to write a high-quality NIHR application, such as preliminary data collection or literature review.
The plain English summaries below describe the work intended to be carried out in the NIHR grant application resulting from the RCF project.
Finding projects: Use “Ctrl + F” to use the find function on your browser. Then use key terms to seek projects in the topic of your interest. It is best to try several alternative words, such as “Birth” or “Maternity” or “Maternal”.
- ‘Find your village’ – culturally-coordinated understanding and action for communities with migrational heritage.
- A mixed methods of the acceptability and implementation potential of a novel Shared Decision-Making tool for Knee Osteoarthritis.
- A pragmatic randomised-controlled trial (RCT) comparing the clinical- and cost-effectiveness of artificial intelligence (AI)-guided ultrasound (US) performed by non-specialists in the primary care setting to usual care Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) diagnostic pathway.
- A rapid review of the grey literature in order to document existing models of provision of the Meals on Wheels (MoWs) service in England
- Cervical Screening
- Co-developing a way for testing cognitive symptoms in primary care
- Co-developing and evaluating the acceptability of a dyadic mind-body intervention for relieving enduring sleep disturbances among older individuals with dementia and their caregivers (DREAM) in both white and ethnic minority communities in Bristol
- Could rehabilitation exercise videos be given as part of standard care by health care professionals (HCPs) to people with stroke (PwS) and would PwS adhere to physical exercises and rehabilitation and improve functional outcomes by using the videos at home?
- Could self-directed gaming device (GripAble) enhance the practice of self-directed arm exercise and upper limb (UL) activity in people recovering from stroke in the community?
- Do pooled budgets between the NHS and the Local Authority deliver an opportunity for more creative commissioning resulting in improved outcomes for children so they reach their full potential and live their best lives?
- Electronic Palliative Care Coordination Systems (EPaCCS) in care homes
- Examining the Occupational Stress Experienced by Ambulance Staff: A Mixed-Methods Stress Audit (OCSAS)
- Exercise for people with heart failure
- GPs working within the emergency ambulance service
- How can local Voluntary, Community, Faith & Social Enterprise Support Services (VCFSEs) and the North & West Bristol Locality Partnership (LP) be better jointly mobilised to improve the health and well-being of residents identified as a priority in North and West Bristol?
- How can public health alerts help mitigate health risks associated with adulterated or poor-quality heroin in BNSSG?
- How can vaccinations be delivered opportunistically in primary care and community settings in a way that is feasible, accessible, and acceptable, and leads to increased vaccine uptake in adults?
- How can we identify and support children with life-limiting conditions with complex polypharmacy? – the PolyPiLL project
- How can we optimise the management of patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease?
- Implementation and evaluation of the ADAPT toolkit to improve the dementia care pathway for South Asian Families (ADAPTi).
- Improving access to trauma-informed primary care for people with complex needs
- Improving care for older people with acute infections
- Improving primary care services for people with eating disorders
- Increasing access to digital health technologies for people from under-served communities at risk or diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes: INACT-T2D
- Is it feasible to carry out a large-scale study to test the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of expansion of the HPV vaccination programme to community pharmacies to improve uptake and address inequalities?
- Is ROMI, a conversational artificial intelligence, an effective way to deliver support and structured education to people with type 2 diabetes who do not engage with usual care services?
- Learning about Incontinence associated with female genital mutilation (LISTEN)
- LivDem psychosocial intervention delivered in the community by Voluntary Community Sector Organisations (VCSOs) for people living with dementia
- Multimorbidity in primary care
- Paramedic Active Lives Promotion for Older People (ParAde)
- Preparatory PPI work to apply for NIHR RfPB funding to develop and refine the Social Model of Baby Hubs
- Process and outcome evaluation of preconception health promotion through sexual and reproductive health services.
- Self-assessment to support self-care for Covid-19
- The rapid move to remote consultations due to Covid-19
- The role of paramedics in End of Life planning
- The safety and quality of online consulting and prescribing services
- Understanding factors impacting the uptake, acceptability, and effectiveness of implementing a digital musculoskeletal self-management intervention into primary care: A Realist Evaluation
- What does effective and efficient healthcare navigation look like in multi-specialist GP Practices?
- What is the most efficacious, acceptable and cost effective way to screen for liver disease in the community?
- Which communities are underserved by perinatal mental health services in the BNSSG area, what are the barriers to access and what interventions are needed to address these?
- Why Test study protocol: a UK-wide audit using the Primary Care Academic CollaboraTive (PACT) to explore the reasons for primary care testing