South Gloucestershire CCG – EIA Jan 2016: Children Young People and Maternity Services

pdf File
Filename: 16_10_25_CCHS_EIA_V23_OCTOBER_2016.PDF
File type: PDF
File size: 426 KB
Description: This Equality Impact Assessment screening is undertaken to ensure that the recommissioning of local Children’s Community Health Services meets statutory obligations.

This Equality Impact Assessment screening is undertaken to ensure that the recommissioning of Children’s Community Health Services across Bristol, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire (BNSSG), meets statutory obligations under the Public Sector Equality Duty 2011.

This is a cumulative equality impact assessment (EIA) which has assessed the impact on protected characteristics [equality groups] from the start of the project in December 2013 up until services were put out tender and last updated in January 2016.