Bristol Better Care Fund Narrative Plan

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At the heart of the 2017/19 Better Care Fund plans are patients, their carers and the health and social care professionals who support them to live well. This plan will describe in detail health and social care services across Bristol. However, in doing this we will ensure that the voice of the service user is at the forefront of our work so that health and social care services meet the needs of our population. 

Bristol’s Better Care 2 year plan for 2017/18 and 2018/19 should be considered as a continuation of the plan submitted in 2016/17. The Better Care Bristol plans focus is solely on schemes funded from the Better Care Fund and the Improved Better Care Fund, this approach will allow Better Care Bristol to clearly focus on driving integration between Bristol CCG and Bristol City Council. 

This document outlines our plans and outcomes for 2017/18 and 2018/19 which includes our aspirations for transformational change and partnership working across the system, establishing a wider integration and commissioning plan for Bristol.