Releasing time in general practice; BNSSG Showcase event: Agenda

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Description: NHS England and BNSSG CCG are hosting a 10 High Impact Actions Showcase event.

Releasing time in general practice; BNSSG Showcase event

Date: Thursday 20th September 2018

Time: 12:00 lunch, programme: 13:00 – 17:00

Venue: Winter Gardens, Royal Parade, Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset, BS23 1AJ


NHS England and BNSSG CCG are hosting a 10 High Impact Actions Showcase event.

The event will be a highly engaging workshop enabling attendees from GP practices to explore the 10 High Impact Actions, ask their own questions about implementation and start making plans for their own change programme enabling the sharing of practical ideas to release time for care.  Attendees will hear about how practices in BNSSG and around England are freeing up time and developing; enabling them to explore the practicalities of making changes themselves and consider together how they want to sustain and improve care in collaboration.

The event will also include information about the training, support and national programmes which are on offer and how practices can access these.

Lunch and registration will be available from 12.00pm with the event starting promptly at 1.00pm.

BNSSG CCG is offering payment to enable backfill and support attendance of the event. The payment available is £280 for one GP per practice, as per the CCG rate. Attendance of other practice staff is strongly encouraged.

For further information contact Susie McMullen, Primary Care Resilience and Quality Improvement Lead, BNSSG CCG;