Stuart Walker

Interim Chief Executive, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust

Providing knowledge and perspective of Acute Tertiary Care Services

Professor Stuart Walker is an experienced NHS Chief Medical Officer and previous Deputy Chief Executive. He has a background in a broad range of senior leadership positions and, as a prior Cardiologist of 18 years standing, significant senior clinical experience.

Before joining University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust in February 2022, Stuart worked at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board as MD, Deputy CEO and then Interim CEO. He has also held prior Executive, and senior leadership, roles in the English NHS for example as MD at Taunton and Somerset NHS FT, and Chief Medical Officer at TSFT and Somerset Partnership FT. He was awarded the title of Honorary Professor by Cardiff University in 2021.

Stuart joined the Trust on 21 February 2022 as Chief Medical Officer and became Interim Chief Executive on 1 January 2024.