Thousands share views to help develop health and care strategy


More than 3,000 people have shared their views to support the development of a strategy for Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire’s Integrated Care System.

3,080 people gave over 21,000 comments as part of a 12-week engagement process through 57 community events, an engagement survey and the ICB’s Citizens’ Panel, sharing what keeps them happy, healthy and well.

Jeff Farrar, Chair of the system’s Integrated Care Board, said:

“I’d like to thank everyone who took the time to provide their feedback in this engagement process.

“We are really pleased that so many people took part, enabling us to hear the voice of the local population and really understand what they are telling us.

“This is incredibly important for the development of our health and care strategy, as it should be joined up with the wants and needs of local people.”

Councillor Mike Bell, Chair of the Integrated Care Partnership, said:

I’m really delighted that so many people across our area had their say, giving us real insight into the daily challenges they face and their aspirations for the future.

“We will be looking at all the feedback we have received and using this to underpin the development of our draft strategy, which we hope to share in the spring next year. Health and care systems cannot solve every problem, but if we are to try then we must be led by the priorities of local people and organisations.”

The engagement results show that local people recognise that they have varying degrees of influence and control when it comes to happiness, health and wellbeing.

From the ‘top of mind’ comments collected in response to the nine happiness, health and wellbeing questions in this survey, 60% of the total are factors that individuals have less personal control over and 40% are factors largely within their control.

The key factors that are within their control and that people aspire to achieve for increased happiness, health and wellbeing are:

  • A healthier, more active lifestyle – increased exercise, healthier eating, improved mental health and wellbeing and greater access to the outdoors. Affordability of achieving these goals is also an issue for some.
  • More time with friends and family, along with more social contact – healthier relationships, being more supportive of each other, avoiding loneliness.
  • Engaging with and supporting one’s local community and volunteering.
  • Striving for a better work life balance (factors both within and outside of their control).

All the findings from the public engagement exercise can be found on a dedicated web page at

This page includes headline results, a summary version of the findings in alternative languages, British Sign Language and Easy Read formats.

There are also videos that captured of people from the community, sharing their views, as well as a Health Needs Assessment for our area, which – alongside the Have Your Say exercise – will play a major role in forming the Integrated Care System’s strategy.

Local health and care organisations will continue to engage with local communities and provide further opportunities to hear more as the strategy develops.

If you have any questions or comments about this engagement or the Integrated Care System’s future strategy, please contact

Find out more about the engagement feedback at