South Gloucestershire Children and Young People’s Emotional Health and Wellbeing Transformation Plan 2018/20

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Description: A local plan for the transformation of services that support children and young people’s emotional health and wellbeing in South Gloucestershire.

Local Transformation Plans for Children and Young People 2019/20

We are currently in the process of working with our partners to refresh our Children and Young People’s Emotional Health and Wellbeing Local Transformation Plans for 2019/20. There will be a plan for each of Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset.

We expect to publish these plans online by the end of January 2020 and you will be able to find them on this part of our website . Last year’s plans can be found above.

The South Gloucestershire Children and Young People’s Emotional Health and Wellbeing Transformation Plan 2018 provides information on delivery against transformation plans from April 2017 – March 2018 and progress to date in year.