Local Counter Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Policy

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Description: This policy details how staff should conduct themselves whilst working for the ICB, and raises awareness of fraud, bribery and corruption offences and the reporting lines available for staff.

The ICB is committed to reducing the level of fraud, bribery and corruption within the
NHS to increase the resources available for providing better patient care.

This policy details how staff should conduct themselves whilst working for the ICB,
and raises awareness of fraud, bribery and corruption offences and the
reporting lines available for staff who wish to report and suspicions of illicit

This policy relates to all forms of fraud, bribery and corruption and is intended
to provide direction and help to employees who may identify suspected fraud.
It provides a framework for responding to suspicions of fraud, advice and
information on various aspects of fraud and implications of an investigation. It
is not intended to provide a comprehensive approach to preventing and
detecting fraud, bribery and corruption.