Disciplinary Policy

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Description: This policy and procedure has been developed to provide a fair, objective, effective and confidential way of dealing with such matters relating to conduct which may, following an investigation lead to a disciplinary hearing and possible disciplinary action.

Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire CCG recognises that from time to time employees may fall short of the standards required by the organisation or may fail to behave in an appropriate manner, either within or outside of the workplace. This policy and procedure has been developed to provide a fair, objective, effective and confidential way of dealing with such matters relating to conduct which may, following an investigation lead to a disciplinary hearing and possible disciplinary action.

In order to operate effectively, high standards for performance and conduct are expected from all employees. Cases of minor misconduct or unsatisfactory behaviour are usually best dealt with informally. This policy aims to ensure that where some form of formal action is needed, issues are dealt with promptly, fairly and consistently.