Our equality objectives

Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire ICB has overarching equalities objectives as detailed in our system strategy in 2023:

  • Tackling Systemic Inequalities – We will value all individuals and populations equally, recognising and rectifying historical injustices and providing resources according to need.
  • Strengthening Building Blocks – We will support the significant workforce and volunteers across our partnership and help them to achieve good health and wellbeing. We will increase recruitment from disadvantaged communities and underrepresented groups to levels that reflect the rich diversity of our local population.
  • Prevention and Early Intervention – Doing the basics well means a relentless focus on improvement in Core20Plus5 outcomes for children and adults.

We are currently developing our organisational development plan which will further detail the activities being undertaken to support these strategic objectives some of which can be found within the future activities section of the Annual Workforce Equality, Diversity and Inclusion report.

Equality, diversity and inclusion annual report 2023 – 2024

Other pages in the Equality, diversity and inclusion section: