Children and Young People’s Emotional Health and Wellbeing Transformation Plan – North Somerset 2019

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Description: This refresh has been produced by the North Somerset Future in Mind Partnership group with members providing the majority of the detail from Operational, Professional and Strategic perspectives.

A Children & Young People’s Emotional Health and Wellbeing Local Transformation Plan has been in place in North Somerset since 2015 following the publication of the five year strategy ‘Future in Mind and this is the final refresh required by NHS England under the Future in Mind strategy.

The plan for 2019 onward reflects the work undertaken to date between the Local Authority, Public Health, voluntary sector partners, commissioned service providers and the Bristol, North Somerset & South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) with input from children, young people and families.

Importantly, not only does it seek to provide information on delivery and progress against previous Transformation plans, it describes actions taken during 2019/20 and the agreed direction of travel at area level in regards the Long Term plan from 2019/20 through to 2023/24.

Undoubtedly the headline development has been establishing the Urgent Care assessment and treatment (UCAT) service within Weston Area Health Trust. This service, whilst embryonic is the system lynchpin in providing an urgent response for Children and Young People in crisis within North Somerset enabling routine cases to have consistent access to the CAMHS service.

This refresh has been produced by the North Somerset Future in Mind Partnership group with members providing the majority of the detail from Operational, Professional and Strategic perspectives. The group has taken on board the findings from the CQC inspection of CAMHS in June 2019 as well as the joint OFSTED and CQC inspection in 2018 of services for children and young people with special Educational Needs and/or disabilities.