Annual Review 2023 to 2024

How we spend your money

Our annual budget is developed and agreed with NHS England and our Integrated Care System partners. 

In total, we spent £2.17 billion on the health and wellbeing of the communities we serve during 2023 to 2024.  

The largest proportion of our budget is spent on acute hospital services with the rest spread across community services, mental health, primary care, medicines management and funded care.



Breakdown of 2023-2024 spend



  • Acute hospitals 51%
  • Primary care, including
    pharmacy, optometry
    and dentistry 14%
  • Community including children’s services
  • Mental health 11%
  • Medicines
    management 7%
  • Funded care 5%
  • Running costs 1%

Our financial priorities for the year included continuing to recover core services following the pandemic. We also took on responsibility for commissioning pharmacy, optometry and dental services, and commissioned new services with our Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) partners and Locality Partnerships. 

We were pleased to have met all our core financial duties for the year. We achieved our performance targets and ended the year in a sustainable position to build on for 2024 to 2025.