Industrial action and NHS services

The NHS is working hard to keep patients safe during the planned strikes, while delivering the best care possible.

Regardless of any strike action taking place, it is really important that
if you need urgent medical care you continue to come forward
as normal.

Find out about local NHS services during the strikes

Which service should I use?

Find out about the different services available in our area and how
to get the right care in the quickest way.

Which service should I use?

Male pharmacist in a pharmacy standing in front of medicines and smiling at the camera.

Caring for a poorly child?

The HANDi app offers simple and straightforward advice to parents
and carers when your child is unwell.

Download the HANDi app

A child in a bed, with a hand on their head checking their temprature. A hand holding a smartphone is in the corner of the image, the phone has the HANDi app on the screen.