NHS Equality Delivery System

The Equality Delivery System (EDS22) is an accountable improvement tool (national toolkit) for the NHS to review and develop their services, workforce and leadership, to provide better working practices and environments, free of discrimination.

It is driven by evidence and is the foundation of equality improvement within the NHS. Going forward, it will be approached from a system perspective.

EDS22 helps to set our objectives and develop action plans towards compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duty.

It also helps us to understand how well we are responding to the equality issues that matter most to patients and staff. Further, it tracks our performance against national benchmarks, including the NHS Outcomes Framework and Care Quality Commission (CQC) guidance.

Read more about the NHS Equality Delivery System on the NHS England website 

Other pages in the Equality, diversity and inclusion section:

Equality Delivery System (EDS) report 2022

Read our Equality Delivery System (EDS) report for 2022 which is designed to give an overview of our organisation’s most recent EDS implementation and grade.

Read our 2022 Equality Delivery System Report Read our 2023/2024 public sector equality duty & equality delivery system progress report

EDS22 Contact Form

If you have any queries about EDS22, then please complete this form.

Contact UsEDS - Equality Delivery System - Contact Form

