Deborah El-Sayed

Chief Transformation and Digital Information Officer

Deborah’s career spans over 30 years in the NHS, incorporating primary, secondary, mental health and learning disability services. She has been a Director in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire since 2017 and has held system responsibility for digital, mental health and integrated care. This has included system leadership in establishing our Locality Partnerships, and forging international and local partnerships to support a focus on place-based care.

Prior to joining Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire, Deborah held a range of national positions including the Director of Digital at NHS England, where she led a diverse portfolio of national services including the NHS Pathways clinical triage system, and electronic referral services. She has been responsible for the production and implementation of NHS data standards, and the design and delivery of national digital systems including NHS 111 online. She also initiated the national digital inclusion programme.

Deborah is passionate about democratising healthcare and ensuring that people’s experiences shape health and care provision across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire. As a committed humanitarian, she has been a Trustee of the British Red Cross since 2016.

Profile picture of Deborah El-Sayed