Business Continuity policy

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Description: This policy defines the framework for implementation of the Business Continuity Management Strategy to minimise the impact of incidents.

Business Continuity is a key part of the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire CCG responsibilities as a Category 2 responder for Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response requirements.

The CCG is required to deliver an effective Business Continuity Management System  in order to secure the best possible outcomes for services and patients. The CCG recognises the potential operational and financial losses associated with a major service disruption, and the importance of maintaining viable recovery strategies. In addition, the CCG, together with the wider Health and Social Care system, must comply with the Civil Contingencies Act (2004) in developing robust business continuity plans.

The Business Continuity Policy defines the framework for implementation of the Business Continuity Management Strategy to minimise the impact of incidents. It is supplemented by the Business Continuity Plan and Business Impact Assessments for each business area in the CCG along with a training needs analysis and training attendance records.

A key element of a successful Business Continuity Management Strategy is embedding a strong business continuity culture amongst all staff throughout the CCG.