Section titled module-1
Appointments and planned care
Section titled module-2
Translation and interpreting services
Here you can find out how to arrange to have an interpreter present at a health appointment, obtain language translations, or receive information in different formats.
Booking an interpreter for your appointment
All healthcare providers in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire are able to provide interpretation services, either via telephone or with a face-to-face interpreter.
If possible, book your appointment in advance as it may take a few days to arrange for an interpreter to be there.
If you’re having difficulty, please contact NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (ICB) Customer Services Team.
Language Empire provides interpreting for GP, Pharmacy, Optometry and Dental appointments.
Our information in accessible formats
If you need any information published by NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire ICB in another language or format – such as Easy Read, braille, CD or audio tape – please contact the ICB.
NHS and public health advice in other languages
The NHS website has an automatic translation service, which means you can read information on conditions, treatments and well being in your first language.