Exercise and keeping fit
Small changes to your lifestyle, physical activity and eating habits can make a big difference to your health and wellbeing.
Small changes to your lifestyle, physical activity and eating habits can make a big difference to your health and wellbeing.
Find local information and activities to support you to improve your physical wellbeing:
If you’d like to get more exercise, you can find lots of advice and information online:
RunTogether is an official England Athletics recreational running project, which encourages more people to run, regardless of your age, fitness level, aspiration or background. There are loads of groups across the country which are all supervised by qualified and approachable leaders.
If you’re looking for inspiration to start running, take a look at the Couch to 5K plan on the NHS website.
If you have a medical condition – such as diabetes – and you are not very active, you might be eligible for supported physical activity schemes referred by your GP or another health specialist.
Bristol City Council Physical activity referral scheme North Somerset Healthy Lifestyle Advisors South Gloucestershire Healthy Lifestyles Referral Scheme