Children’s community health services

Children’s community health services provide high quality and integrated care services to young people for chronic illness, behaviour, mental health and developmental difficulties.

These services are led by Sirona care & health, working with Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust, University Hospital Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, Barnardo’s and Off the Record.

The services that fall within children’s community services include:

  • health visiting
  • school nursing
  • child and adolescent mental health
  • speech and language therapy
  • occupational therapy and physiotherapy
    community paediatricians
  • and a range of dedicated services for vulnerable children, including children in care, children with learning disabilities, children with life-limiting conditions and children with drug and alcohol problems.

The services provide a high quality and integrated service to children, young people, families and carers, especially those from vulnerable and hard to reach groups.

Read more about Children’s Community Service


Council Local Offers

Local Offers created by councils set out in one place information about provision we expect to be available across education, health and social care for children and young people who have special education needs or are disabled. This includes those who do not have education, health and care plans.