Infertility Assessment and Treatment

Funding for the assessment and treatment of infertility will only be granted by the ICB for:

  • Heterosexual couples who have not conceived after two years of regular
    unprotected sex (exceptions apply in certain circumstances as described within
    the policy).
  • Single women who have not conceived after two years of regular unprotected sex.
  • Single women who have not conceived after 6 unstimulated cycles of independently funded Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA)
    approved Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
  • Same-sex couples who have undergone 6 independently funded unstimulated
    cycles of HFEA approved IUI and have not conceived.
  • Men who have been shown to have low or zero sperm counts can also be

For heterosexual and same-sex couples, if either partner has living offspring, the couple is not able to access NHS fertility services including assessment

For single women, if they have living offspring, they are not able to access NHS fertility services including assessment.

Related keywords
IVF, ICIS, IUI, DONOR, DIUI, embryo transfer, sperm freezing, embryo hatching, cryopreservation
Who can apply
General Practitioner, Consultant
Referral routes
Prior Approval, Criteria Based Access

For patients

No single infertility treatment is best for everyone. The treatment you are offered will depend on what is causing your fertility problems, the age of the prospective mother and your medical history.

Your GP will be able to carry out initial investigative tests before deciding to refer you for further assessment at a general infertility clinic/fertility service.

Once you have been assessed, your consultant will apply for funding under the Infertility Assessment and Treatment Policy (see below).

The EFR Team will advise you if funding is approved and you will be given details of the options available. You will then be able to choose the clinic that is most suited to you to take your treatment forward.

Please note that the EFR Team will forward your referral to the clinic of your choice together with confirmation of funding approval.  You should not contact the clinic directly until the referral has been made.

For GPs

Please refer to the Infertility Policy together with the GP Guidance document below.

If you feel that your patient meets the CBA criteria please complete the Infertility Assessment Form and Preliminary Investigations Checklist and send to the general infertility clinic in the normal way.

For secondary care

Please refer to the Infertility Policy and the Treatment Referral and Funding Pathway below.

If, following assessment, you feel that the patient meets the criteria to receive Licensed Fertility Treatment please complete the Infertility Treatment Funding Application Form below and send to the EFR Team at

Immigration health surcharge – removal of assisted conception services

Amendments to the NHS (Charges to Overseas Visitors) Regulations 2015 were introduced into Parliament on 19 July 2017.

As a result, from 21 August 2017, assisted conception services are no longer included in the scope of services available for free for those who pay the immigration health surcharge.

Further information about the regulations can be found on the website.

Referral Routes Form