Care and Treatment Reviews for adults

Care and Treatment Reviews (CTRs) form part of NHS England’s Transforming Care commitment. They are offered to people with learning disabilities and autistic people, who are in mental health hospital placements at risk of admission or are receiving Day Patient care.

CTRs ensure that an individual is not admitted to the hospital unnecessarily or, if the individual requires admission, to ensure their stay is as short as possible.

We work with local providers to identify people at risk of admission.

The aim of the CTR is to bring a person-centred and individualised approach to ensuring that the care and treatment needs of the individual are met and barriers to progress are challenged and overcome.

Care and Treatment Reviews - Information for adults (PDF) Read about Care, Education and Treatment Reviews for young people

Contact us

For more information on Care and Treatment Reviews for adults, please contact:

Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Autism Team
NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire ICB
Floor 2,
North Wing,
100 Temple Street,
Bristol, BS1 6AG


Video: Care, Education and Treatment Review Information


Care, Education and Treatment Reviews (CETRs) - NHS England